

The Olympiad Competition "Master of TSU"

2020-01-11 15:14:18

Students of Migration Studies program Sharifjon Tursunov and Anastasia Shamina took part in the Euro Study Week (Tomsk, November, 22-25)

2019-12-24 11:31:15

Intercultural Communication between Tallinn and Tomsk

2019-12-18 02:37:04

Organization and Management Internship of 2019: a Look From the Inside Out

2019-11-09 04:18:47

Стажировка магистрантки Migration Studies Е.Ю. Кошелевой на факультетах психологии и антропологии в Голдсмитс, университет Лондона

2019-11-05 05:48:36