Sergey Abashin
Научные интересы
anthropology of migrationnationalism and ethnicity studiesIslamempirepostcolonial studiesCentral Asian studies
Избранные статьи:
- Национализмы в Средней Азии: В поисках идентичности. Санкт-Петербург: Алетейя, 2007 [Nationalisms in Central Asia: In Search of Identity]
- Советский кишлак: Между колониализмом и модернизацией. М.: Новое Литературное Обозрение, 2015, 720 с. [The soviet kishlak: Between colonialism and modernization]
Избранные публикации:
- Central Asian Migration: Practices, Local Communities, Transnationalism // Russian Politics and law. 2013, vol. 51, # 3. P. 6-20
- Nations and Post-Colonialism in Central Asia: Twenty Years Later // Development in Central Asia and the Caucasus: Migration, Democratisation and Inequality in the Post-Soviet Era / S. Hohmann, C. Mouradian, S. Serrano and J. Thorez (eds.). London, New York: IB. Tauris, 2014. P.80-119
- Migration from Central Asian to Russia in the New Model of World Order // Russian Politics and law. 2014, vol. 52, # 6. P. 8-23
- Soviet Central Asia on the Periphery // Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. 2015, vol.16, # 2 (p.359-374)
- Migration Policy in Russia: Laws and Debates // Migrant Workers in Russia: Global Challenges of the Shadow Economy in Societal Transformation / A.-L. Heusala and K. Aitamurto (eds.). Abington, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, 2017. P. 16-34
- Uzbeks in Russia: A New Diaspora or a Transnational Society? // Constructing the Uzbek State: Narratives of Post-Soviet Years / M. Laruelle (ed.). LexingtonBooks, 2017. P. 97-117
- Ethnic Conflict in Modern Central Asia // TheOxford Research Encyclopedia of Asian History. September 2018